Wednesday, March 27, 2013

 We will not be open Easter Sunday!! See you next week!
I am reworking all the new things into the shop! I have been here everyday for about 8 days now. Have Friday and Sat off. Have to pick up some things I bought a couple of weeks ago. I am getting all the patriotic scattered around the shop! Just have one of this lady liberty but she found a nice spot in the geraniums!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Redid this cupboard by the stairs right before I went home. Mixed in the mustard with the red and blue. Thought it turned out ok but man am I making a mess in the back!
Well I have just been spinning trying to get all the new stuff out and marked. Finally Saturday I decided I would just start at the front of the shop and redo each section. I have been bringing in cupboards,tables and prims! Marking and redoing as I go. Lots done in the front but only about halfway through the shop. Big messes where I am reconstructing!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

More new Groups!

I am reworking the whole shop again to make room for the new things! Love how this red cupboard looks all decked out in patriotic!! We are starting to change it all to that shortly!! The bunnies have been hopping out the door!! Moved a great cubby in from the window and filling it with all the new sprays and candles we brought back!! Still finding things that I have not opened up yet!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

This is a full size picture of piec safe befor I put it in window!! Love the old tins and I put a huge wooded washtub filled with gourds under it. The window glares so much it is hard to take pics
So hard to take a picture with my glaring windows!! Got it all decked out!  Customer was looking at the putty cupboard today so may be redoing it again! Happy to have a different look in there!
Finally got this cute pie safe unloaded. The weather was not too bad today! At least the wind was not blowing! This is a nice smaller size with four tins and original attic finish! It is up on legs so I put a big old wood washtub filled with gourds under it. Got most of the window changed out today!

Monday, March 18, 2013

This is the counter I filled with bunnies! They are all to the front and the patriotic is moving in!! I thought I had alot left but when I started to group them there are not really that many left.I have to bring in some antiques yet. Have a great smaller size pie safe but the snow was just too messy today!!
Well it is almost the first day of Spring and Iowa had a snowstorm today!! Now it is done snowing but the wind is blowing like crazy!! Looks like the middle of January! I spent the day in the shop moving the bunnies all to the front! Not too many left but still some cuties!! I took one like the one on the right home as I loved her rag wrap around her head and her grungy old sweater and skirt! The carrots with cornstalk tops have been flying out the door!! Have alot more to mark and haul in but it was just too cold today!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Uncle Sams have arrived also!! They too are all handmade with painted flags!!
Well Easter is so early this year that we have started to pull in the patriotic!! THese are the poor version of Lincoln with old patchy sweaters and grubby pants. They are holding handpainted flags!! They fit in great with early prims. We have traveled many miles in the last two months to gather lots of goods for the shop!! We are filling it up for our Spring Celebation!! It started this weekend and runs through April 13th!! Check us  out on facebook Wanda Tuetken @ Gatherings

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The handmades are filling the shop!! THese are great sunflowers on stakes some are plain and some have crows!!  Love the chunky keg I got to put them in. Have a trailer full to put out and mark! Lots to do!! Nice talking to you!!
Picked up this huge cupboard this week on our travels!! It is huge and hunky!! Square nailed and almost seven feet tall! It is about 50 inches wide. Love that the shelves are wide apart! Look how it holds small kegs. Filling it with lots of dry things like it! Has remnents of old wall paper in top shelf!! THe stuff inside and on top are some more of my pickins!! Lots of new table squares and linens!! The shop is filling up!! Lots to do to get it in shape!!
Well it has been a busy couple of months! Went to Nashville in Febuary and found lots of early prims!! They have sold like crazy! Then went on trip out east and gathered lots more fun things for the shop! Have had a couple people email and ask if I was alright, Well with my smart phone I can load pics right on to facebook from my phone so my blog has been getting neglected. On facebook it is under my name Wanda Tuetken @ Gatherings. So quick and easy. these are a pair o f Uncle Sams that just came in. Easter is right around the corner so the patriotic is coming out!!